Sunday, June 22, 2008

There's Power in the Blood

I saw I am Legend tonight.I do not do movie reviews well. Most contemporary films are not worth the trouble. This one is compelling in a haunting way. (***Spoilers ahead***)

A viral holocaust has left the city of New York and perhaps the world a virtual wasteland. The apparent cause is a successful cure for cancer; in that wake, mankind is vulnerable to deadly viral attacks. Just three years after the cure for cancer, no life, save for one human being, Dr Neville, a military scientist whose mission is to stand and fight the hosts of the virus - zombie like creatures whose mission is to seek, kill and destroy his life. The plausibility of the scenarios in this film are mostly lost on me, my scientific knowledge will fit on the head of a pin. Dr. Neville is committed to staying on the island of Manhattan, at his ground zero post to fix the problem, find a cure and make right what has gone wrong. Dr. Neville, played by Will Smith, stands for good, and the zombie, virus laden creatures represent evil. These creatures can only endure in the cover of darkness; once exposed to light their attacks are futile, their power gone. Neville is consumed by his zeal to make things right, his companion is a three year old female German Shepard, named Samantha, Sam, for short. The city itself is a huge character in the film, vast, hollowed out-the place on earth where man has had some success and control is now a desolate battleground. Neville's persistence to find an answer puts him at great risk, and were it not for timely intervention, he would most surely have perished. The virus hosts grow bolder and bolder-their evil exponentially more vehement and set on annihilation. Neville's awareness that the day will come when he must choose between life and death begins to intensify. An intersection he has with his own savior, prompts his catastrophic rage to ignite and declare there is no God. In so doing, he comes face to face with abject evil and acknowledges God by laying down his life. Curiously, the plot is engineered to factor in the presence of blood on several occasions, blood shed, blood drawn, and blood offered. The Christology may be doctrinally vague, but the viewer is left with no doubt that blood is the ultimate cure to appease both the wrath of the virus, and the keeper of the refugee city. In the end, it was not a chemical compound, or a scientific theorem that preserved mankind, but the blood of a volunteer.

Sola Deo Gloria

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